Andlabs/Sega of Japan Dreamcast Master List

From Sega Retro

because I've had it now
ok more explanation: Guardiana (where our DC master list appears to comes from) prioritizes JP name over US name so I kept getting caught off-guard when making lists (what tipped me over the edge was seeing HuneX's website list the JP and US versions of games separately) or just has wrong info (wonders never cease); sometimes the Sega pages have wrong serial numbers (happens more often with Saturn) or randomly combine versions or something, and again I want to make sure everything here is correct

Sometimes there will be a translated name on the left spine that differs from the Japanese name; that will be listed second, after a slash. I personally consider this to be a secondary name :/

Everything (all fields in table + page categories) verified
Everything verified, but box/master list genre mismatch
Problem with verification; cell(s) left white explains what (everything else is fine)
Unverified (either I didn't get to it yet or the page doesn't exist)

1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005-2007


Romanized Name Japanese Name Publisher Genre on Master List Genre on Box Release Date Price Homepage Catalogue Page Serial on Master List Serial on Box CERO Overseas Names
July July 45XLV ADV ADV 1998/11/27 5,800円 [1] T-35401M No
Pen Pen TriIcelon ペンペン トライアイスロン GE RCG RCG 1998/11/27 5,800円 [2] T-17001M T-17001M Same
バーチャファイター3tb リピート版 Sega ACT 1998/11/27 5,800円 [3]
Virtua Fighter 3tb バーチャファイター3tb Sega ACT 1998/11/27 5,800円 [4]
Godzilla Generations GODZILLA GENERATIONS Sega ACT ACT 1998/11/27 5,800円 [5] HDR-0004 HDR-0004 No
?/Incoming Humanity Last Battle インカミング 人類最終決戦 Imagineer STG STG 1998/12/17 5,800円 [6] T-15001M T-15001M Incoming
Sonic Adventure SONIC ADVENTURE Sega ACT ACT 1998/12/23 5,800円 [7] HDR-000 HDR-0001 Same
Tetris 4D TETRIS 4D(テトリス フォーディー) BPS PZL PZL 1998/12/23 4,800円 [8] T-20801M T-20801M No
Seventh Cross SEVENTH CROSS NEC SRPG SRPG 1998/12/23 5,800円 [9] T-38802M US: Seventh Cross Evolution
EU: none