Press Release: 2007-04-02: Sonic the Hedgehog goes cruising with Ocean Village
From Sega Retro
This is an unaltered copy of a press release, for use as a primary source on Sega Retro. Please do not edit the contents below. Language: English Original source: (archived) |
Apr 02, 2007 SEGA and Ocean Village have joined forces to develop a fully licensed amusement and entertainment arcade at sea with the overall graphics concept designed and created by SEGA. The SEGA Village includes 19 arcade games, and a further six games will be available in the teen's area, The Attic. Games will include the newly launched After Burner Climax, a simulator featuring fighter jets, and Let's Go Jungle, a safari adventure set in a jeep simulator, plus mascot character, Sonic the Hedgehog. Children will also have the chance to become famous for 15 minutes with a 'Let me Dance' booth. The booth allows budding stars to become their favourite pop icon and star in their own music video which is recorded onto CD and can be kept as a memento. SEGA's marketing and promotions manager, Justin Burke, said, 'SEGA has been absent in the operations business and hasn't put its name to any centres since its most recent franchise expired in 2005, so the launch of Ocean Village Two seemed like the perfect opportunity to create a unique venture.'