Barver Battle Saga: Tai Kong Zhan Shi

From Sega Retro

Google translate turns "太空戰士 魔法戰士" into Tàikōng zhànshì mófǎ zhànshì ("Final Fantasy Magical Warrior"). This page might have the wrong name... or maybe not? I get the impression it's a knock-off attempt at Final Fantasy Black Squirrel (talk) 14:39, 12 May 2014 (CDT)

I'm sorry to intervent but this info is incorrect. The proper translation of the title "太空戰士 魔法戰士" (Tàikōng zhànshì mófǎ zhànshì) is "The Space Warrior - The Magic Warrior". The second word is used in both parts of the title, didn't you notice? As for the similarity to Final fantasy, it is still present in the original, but not so explicitly. For example, the sprite of Ayrshire is a direct rip-off of Kefka from FFVI. The battle system is also a point already noted. However, the title "Final Fantasy" was used in the Russian translation only. And that translation was made in China, not in Russia (though still not coordinated with the developers of the original and thus "unofficial"). (talk) 13:42, 20 November 2017 (CDT)