
From Sega Retro

Video game console emulator

System(s): Sega Game Gear
OS: Windows
Developer: Isamu Maeda (前田勇) a.k.a. Maechiko (まえちこ)
Last release date: (26 years ago)
Last version: 1.05

GGFan98 is a Sega Game Gear emulator for Windows, written by Maechiko. The emulator is shareware, with several features disabled including screenshots, sound logging and keyboard/joystick configuration. The full version could be purchased by sending ¥2,000 to the developer by post or bank transfer.

Maechiko also developed SMSFan98 (a Master System shareware emulator) around the same time, and GGBoy which was free.


Download.svg Download GGFan98
File: GGFan98 1.05.7z (44 kB) (info)
Current version: 1.05

Old versions

  • Versions 1.00, 1.01, 1.02, 1.03 and 1.04 are missing.

External links
