Dark Seed (Mega-CD)/Magazine articles

From Sega Retro

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File Date Source Title and comments
Logo-pdf.svg 1994-07-14 Sega Pro (UK), "August 1994" "Preview"
Stcuk 9 12 94NZ2.jpg 1994-11-26 Sonic the Comic (UK), "December 9th 1994"
Logo-pdf.svg 1995-02-21 Next Generation (US), "March 1995"
Version Rating Awards Calculated score
NTSC-U RatingStar Full.svgRatingStar Full.svgRatingStar Full.svgRatingStar Empty.svgRatingStar Empty.svg
Logo-pdf.svg 1994-xx-xx Sega Force (US), "1994 (October)" "Sega CD"
A section on upcoming Sega CD titles contains a brief preview.
