Metal Black

From Sega Retro

To do

  • "Newalones" is Taito-speak for "Neurons". It doesn't really need a ref but I'd like to include one anyways, because I think I remember whoever enlightened me to this fact wrote a good deal of interesting into on Metal Black's arcade version in general. Anyway. CartridgeCulture (talk) 09:00, 18 September 2021 (EDT)
  • I think there are more version differences? Slight, but I remember a few being there. There was... some source I found a while back... some people had gotten together to assemble a ton of version differences in like... the PS1 and SAT ports of arcade shmups. But I can't find the link, and I don't remember enough to retrace my steps. It- might have been a forum thread? Or... maybe like a backup of a thread on like a google doc or something? I remember it was kinda loose, like people were kinda dumping info every now and then. MANNN I want to find that thread again, there was a ton of killer info there. Unfortunately it fell into the endless sea of my gaming-related bookmarks and- anyway. Version differences! I think there's more. CartridgeCulture (talk) 09:00, 18 September 2021 (EDT)