
From Sega Retro

about some of the articles you created and edited

hi, some of the articles you've created about unlicensed game companies don't seem to really exist. i actually know quite a bit about pirate/unlicensed games myself, and furthermore, searching google for any evidence that the stuff you wrote actually existed, i'm inclined to believe that some of the stuff you wrote/edited thus far is just some fantasy dream stuff you came up with because you like unlicensed/pirate games and certain modern western cartoons (like my little pony: friendship is magic, perhaps?) and sonic and... well, yeah.

problem is, this site is meant for documenting [sega-related] stuff that's known to have been seen, bought, played and experienced, things that have been written down more than once in history -- i.e. things that actually exist in real life. even andlabs, one of the moderator of this wiki, has taken the stuff you wrote with a "grain of salt", so to speak.

i'm just wondering: are you really making all this stuff up in your mind or something? i'd really like to know. like i said, this wiki is supposed to be aiming for concreate facts, validation and proof of existence. if you can prove, for example that a "gumball" genesis pirate by gametec actually exists, or that sun green is an actual pirate company that made unlicensed sonic games, please feel free to give me some proof.

sorry if i offended you or anything like that, but that's just the way it goes. --Uno10 (talk) 17:44, 31 July 2013 (CDT)

- seems to be full of unverifiable stuff too. Unfortunately no response was made to my request for a source on the discussion page two weeks ago. I'm inclined to share Uno10's view. --Pirate Dragon (talk) 17:57, 31 July 2013 (CDT)