Hayao Nakayama

From Sega Retro

Hayao Nakayama
Place of birth: Tokyo, Japan
Date of birth: 1932-05-21 (age 92)
Company(ies): Amuse Capital
Role(s): Executive

Hayao Nakayama (中山 隼雄) is a Japanese businessman and served as Sega's CEO from 1984 to 1999. He also worked for Microsoft Japan and Virgin PLAY and was former CEO of Cavia (later AQ Interactive) and Pasona. He is currently CEO of Amuse Capital. His son Haruki Nakayama is president of Marvelous.

Nakayama became vice chairman of the board of Sega directors in 1998[1].

Production history

Magazine articles

Main article: Hayao Nakayama/Magazine articles.


SEGA of Japan Executives
Chairmen Isao Okawa (1984-2001) | Hajime Satomi (2004-current)
Presidents Hayao Nakayama (1984-1998) | Shoichiro Irimajiri (1998-2001) | Hideki Sato (2001-2003) | Hisao Oguchi (2003-2008) | Okitane Usui (2008-2012) | Naoya Tsurumi (2012-current) | Hideki Okamura (2014-current) | Haruki Satomi (2015-current)