Sega Multimedia Studio

From Sega Retro

Name change?

Should this be reformatted as Sega MultiMedia Studio? I can absolutely imagine SoA being less-than-consistent with capitalization, but all internal material I've seen from this studio has written their name as such. Planning on checking some references and coming back to this, but right now I'm in favor of MultiMedia. CartridgeCulture (talk) 21:01, 10 November 2021 (EST)

Defunct date?

Doug Lanford says the studio closed after Wild Woody, but Spencer Nilsen says studio members were active as late as 1997. Lanford is technically correct in that Wild Woody was studio’s last game release, but the studio appeared to have other irons in the fire with third-parties. Nilsen goes on to say the studio was involved in over two-dozen games at some level, and would have likely had at least some music work coming in. It was a pretty advanced studio. (K. Horowitz, 2016) I wonder if Lanford means the studio's game development capabilities were closed after Wild Woody? CartridgeCulture (talk) 21:01, 10 November 2021 (EST)

Did Michael Jackson work on Sonic 3 through Sega Multimedia Studio?

A historically significant note is that Michael Jackson was personally involved with SMS to some degree, with Nilsen stating Michael loved visiting the studio. Depending on how Nilsen defines the word “joined”, Michael Jackson committed to producing Sega CD and arcade game with the studio at either an official or semi-official, contractual level. I would imagine the latter. Still, Jackson absolutely worked on something (or somethings) through SMS, and this was literally around the same time as Sonic 3. Now the Sega CD/arcade games mention I'm just chalking up to "we said Sega CD cause that's our studios thing, plus CDs are like albums so hey, MJ would probbaabbly be working on music stuff here, so we'll say he's working on that format" and "we'll say arcade games cause MJ's most notable Sega-thing before this was his arcade game, and hey, hey's probably working on more of that." Which brings up a bigger issue: Did Nilsen kinda just make this up off the cuff? Did he just need to contextualize MJ in relation to SMS and that's what came out? Cause it made the most sense to say that and not "he's working on FM cartridge music." OR maybe MJ did really work on some unknown Mega CD/arcade game projects, but my guess would be just Sonic 3, and at the very most maybe making some vocal beatboxes and rhythm demos and having those shuffled around the studio's possible/potential projects for a good fit. Which given MJ's "I'm not releasing any of my work until I'm perfectly happy with it" attitude, probably didn't get very far. (K. Horowitz, 2016) CartridgeCulture (talk) 21:01, 10 November 2021 (EST)