Mystic Defender/Comparisons

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Regional differences


Kujakuou 2


Mystic Defender


On Dal Jang Goon

The Japanese and Western versions of the game have entirely different introductions, with Mystic Defender opting for scolling text, and Kujakuou 2 and On Dal Jang Goon having character portraits.


Kujakuou 2


Mystic Defender


On Dal Jang Goon

The main characters have different outfits, first seen in the introduction.

MysticDefender MD JP TitleScreen.png

Kujakuou 2

MysticDefender MDTitleScreen.png

Mystic Defender

MysticDefender MD KR TitleScreen.png

On Dal Jang Goon

With different names come different title screens.


Kujakuou 2


Mystic Defender


On Dal Jang Goon

"BGM" is "Music" in the West, while South Korea gets its own translations.

Revisional differences

MysticDefender MD Alexandra regiondifferences.png
Rev. 0
MysticDefender MD Alexandra regiondifferences.png
Rev. 1
MysticDefender MD Alexandra regiondifferences.png
On Dal Jang Goon

Alexandra, who is rescued at the end of the game, was nude in the original release. She was given a pink dress in the updated revision, and a traditional Korean dress in the South Korean version. These changes apply to all versions of the game stored on either revised cartridge, regardless of system region.[1]


Mystic Defender

MysticDefender MDTitleScreen.png

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Sega Mega Drive
Prototypes: 1989-09-14