
From Sega Retro


RotSprite is a sprite rotation utility developed by Xenowhirl which overcomes most of the professional graphic softwares (like Photoshop or Paint Shop Pro) when it comes to rotate sprites by a number of degrees different than 90° or one of its multiples, as those programs usually apply some filters like anti-aliasing which don't work well with the trademark features of sprites: being pixel drawn with a limited palette.

By the words of Xenowhirl himself[1], this utility has been released because «the walking and running frames in Sonic 1, 2, and 3 all need 45 degree rotated equivalents» and «making rotated versions of sprites is usually a pain in the ass, because most programs that rotate a sprite will antialias it (which blurs it and messes with the colors)». RotSprite uses a special algorithm instead which tries to preserve the original sprite's feature by "guessing" pixel patterns.

As an additional feature, RotSprite can also resize sprites (and it does a very good job also for this task).

Several major sceners found this utility very useful.


Download.svg Download RotSprite
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