The House of the Dead 2/Hidden content
From Sega Retro
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Dreamcast version
Show scores
on the title screen press
START to enable both players scores to be visible in the top left and top right of the screen respectively.
Windows PC version
Show scores
on the title screen press 🡨 🡨 🡪 🡪 🡪 🡨 🡪 enter to enable both players scores to be visible in the top left and top right of the screen respectively.
Enable red blood
Unlike other versions, red blood cannot be enabled by any known in-game method in the PC version. The required files are still installed though, so red blood can be forced on by overwriting the file "scr_blood_green.bin" with the contents of file "scr_blood_red.bin" in the "tex" sub-folder.
The House of the Dead 2 | |
Main page | Comparisons | Credits | Hidden content | Development | Magazine articles | Video coverage | Reception | Compliance | Technical information | Bootlegs
Music: The House of the Dead 2 (1999) | The House of the Dead 2 (2022)
Demos: The House of the Dead 2 Taikenban (?) |